Guidelines for Authors of the papers


Articles will be printed in the form of a monograph published by Springer.

Series name: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Springer, Heidelberg and New York.
Series Editor: J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences


More informations about this series:
Editors issue: W. Hunek, S. Paszkiel


Proceedings and other Multi-Authored Volumes

On this webpage, you will find Springer’s guidelines and technical instructions for the preparation of contributions to be published in a multi-authored work or Proceedings volume as well as Monograph manuscripts.

Springer has developed LaTeX style files and Word templates to help you prepare your paper or monograph. LaTeX is the preferred format (especially for texts containing several formulae), but Word templates are also available.

For your convenience, we have summarized in the Author Guidelines document how a paper should be structured, how elements (headings, figures, references) should be formatted using our predefined styles, etc.

We also give some insight on how your paper will be typeset at Springer.

The PDF of the Authors Guidelines can be downloaded here or as part of the zip files containing the complete sets of instructions and templates for the different text preparation systems.

Copyright form

Each contribution must be accompanied by a Springer copyright form, a so-called 'Consent to Publish’ form. Modified forms are not acceptable.

Authors will be asked to transfer the copyright of the paper to Springer. This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.

One author may sign on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper. In this case, the author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors.

A prefilled copyright form is usually made available to authors by the volume editor. In the case of a proceedings volume, it can often be downloaded from the conference website.

Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes – Using LaTeX2e

We want to add hyperlinks to your manuscript in the online version, so we recommend the use of LaTeX2e for the preparation of your manuscript, together with the corresponding Springer class file – contains:

  • (i) llncs.cls, Springer class file;
  • (ii) llncs.dem, sample input file, you can use it as a source for your own input;
  • (iii) llncs.doc (actually a TeX file), the documentation of the class, with detailed instructions
    on how the macro package works;
  • (iv) llncs.dvi, DVI resulting out of llncs.doc.

Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes – Sample File

We also provide the LaTeX2e source file of the „Authors’ Instructions,” which may serve as a further sample input. contains a separate LaTeX file for the text and EPS file for the figure.

Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes – Using Office 2007 Word

We do not encourage the use of Microsoft Word, particularly as the layout of the pages (the position of figures and paragraphs) can change between printouts. However, we do provide the relevant template („splnproc1110.dotm”). Please read the explanatory typing instructions „SPLNPROC Word 2007-2010 Technical Instructions.pdf” contained in the ZIP archive carefully.

Word 2003 template for the preparation of proceeding and multi-authored volume papers

A document template has been prepared by Springer for use with Word 2003. Predefined style formats are available for all the types of content that are part of a paper, and these formats can be easily accessed via special toolbars.

The downloadable zip archive contains:

  • A pdf of the general guidelines for authors of computer science proceedings papers;
  • A pdf of the instructions explaining how to work with the Word 2003 template;
  • The Word 2003 template

Checklist of items to be sent to the volume editor

Please submit the following to the volume editors (e.g., to your conference committee contact, not to the Springer editorial office):

  • The final sources incl. any non-standard fonts and figure files
  • A final PDF corresponding exactly to the final sources;
  • A Springer copyright form, signed by one author on behalf of all of the other authors of the paper;
  • The name and e-mail address of the contact author who will check the proof of the paper;
  • Information about the correct representation of authors’ names, where necessary.

The volume editors will check the contributions, decide upon their order in the volume, and will send the complete material on to Springer.